2013 - 1st Quarter Newsletter
A note from the President
We started out with Dr. Mike Abdelsayad talking to us about how to "Stay Ahead of the Rat Race" at our January 10th meeting. He stressed how important it was to not only take care of your clients, but to take care of yourself as well! We learned loads and all vowed to be good to ourselves in 2013!
February started off with a bang as our Officers Traveled to Austin for our Winter Meeting. Teya Grayned accompanied us on scholarship and had a great time in doing so. We attended the Annual Celebrity Waiter Event - Heroes and Villains Style where approximately $21,000 was raised for TREPAC! We also attended meetings thru-out the weekend that were full of useful information we were able to bring back to use here at home in our local chapter.
February also brought upon one of our best ever events... "The Vendor Love-A-Fair". This was a totally new concept for our chapter and the success was phenomenal! We had 32 Vendor Tables and an attendance of over 190 at the event! The chapter made over $4,000 on the event, so there is no doubt we'll be doing this again next year! Our goal was to reach beyond our members into the general Real Estate community and we no doubt accomplished that!
However, that wasn't it for the month... on the 21st we loaded up for a "It's 5:00 Somewhere" event at Sugar Land's "Painting with a Twist". I can say with great confidence that a great time was had by all as we each created our own masterpieces!
As March rolled around, we no doubt kept up the pace. We started with one of our "Tech Tuesday" classes at the Sugar Land Office Suites where we learned the in's and out's of "Linked In". Be sure to add our local chapter as one of your contacts if you haven't done so already.
Our luncheon in March was entitled "Appraisal Dreams and Nightmares" where local appraiser, Howard Hill taught us how to use new methods to prove our rapidly increasing values. I have already used the tools Howard taught and I hope you have too! We also held one of our "Community Service" events at this meeting, our Prom Dress Drive. Members brought in dresses and accessorize by the loads for donation to the "Cinderella/Cinderefella" project which helps deserving seniors that would otherwise be unable, to attend their Senior Prom. What a great project to be apart of! A sincere "Thank You" to all that helped make it happen!
As I said earlier... we were certainly busy in our First Quarter, but we have no intention of stopping! Here's what we have planned for the next three months:
- April 19 - "It's 5:00 Somewhere" A wonderful, fun cooking class taught by Beatrice Keller
- May 9 - Our Annual Basket Auction Luncheon and class on using the WCR app to help grow your business
- June 4 - "Tech Tuesday" - Creating property flyers that sell
- June 18th - "News you Can Use" - Real Estate Trends and Stats taught by Gary Mahler, Texas A&M University
Kimberly Shaw
2013 Fort Bend Local Chapter President