*Past Presidents Scholarships- Any member of a WCR Texas chapter may apply for Scholarship $. Deadline to apply is January 31st. Please share this information with the members of your chapter and encourage members to apply for the scholarship money available. Members who travel for your chapter and are not funded or not fully funded are good candidates for the scholarships. Any questions, contact Carol Reynolds, see attached form for more info.
* National Recruitment & Retention Contests Underway!- If you are not completely familiar with the contest guidelines, please contact your TDVP right away and we will get you on board! Cash $$$ prized given by National WCR, as well as lots of points on your Annual Plan for new members: 20 points for each new member between Jan 1 and Feb 28th and, 15 points for new members turned in to National from March 1st thru March 31st. Prizes and recognition for retaining members as well, so make sure your Membership committee is at work contacting members for renewal.
* Heart of Texas Chapter Charter & Installation Celebration is January 25th- Please support the chapter by attending if possible. *** In 2010, President Deborah asked for chapters to consider helping the HOT chapter by donating funds to HOT. If your chapter has funds to present, please let me know. If you are able to attend the meeting, that is wonderful, and if not, would like to recognize the chapters donating to HOT’s success as a new chapter, so please let me know. Flyer attached with more info and registration info.
* Celebrity Waiters NEEDED for our WCR TEXAS/TREPAC event- This event takes place during our February meetings in Austin. Date is Friday, 2-11-11, 7pm following Committee Day meetings. We have 13 participants as Celebrity Waiters so far and need total of 25. Please consider this FUN opportunity. Attendees will have the opportunity to purchase TREPAC fun $ to spend at the event that night, purchasing items from waiters, or a photo with a waiter, etc. This TREPAC fun $ is credited toward their own individual investment with their association. Circus is the theme and as a waiter, you may dress as any side show, NO PERFORMING on stage by waiters, just raising $ for TREPAC, by selling trinkets, cookies, etc to those present at the event (attendance is usually around 200). TheWaiters will be introduced, with no requirement at all for doing any type of performance!. W & M chair John Buchanan has performances already in place. Super fun event, with little effort to participate! Those seated at your table will help you raise $ for TREPAC. There will be prizes for most $ collected, best costume, etc… See attached flyer and contact John Buchanan for more info. Please share with members of your chapter AND local board, and encourage participation in this event. We need your help!!!
* TAR/WCR Winter Meetings- Be sure you and your officers/members are signed up to attend. Registration info is on WCRTexas.org. The events below are WCR events and everyone that attends for WCR should attend all of the events/meetings listed below. Please communicate this with your officers/members attending.
Schedule of Events:
2-10-11, 2pm- District A Meeting (If you will already be in Austin, you may want to plan to attend the District A meeting)
2-10-11, 6pm- Networking with WCR, Hyatt Hotel Lobby Bar
2-11-11, 8am-5pm- Committee Day Meetings, schedule attached, all encouraged to attend several meetings
2-11-11, 7pm- WCR/TREPAC Celebrity Waiter Event, tickets at TexasREALTORS.org
2-12-11, 7:30am, WCR Texas Governing Board Meeting
2-12-11, 12:00- WCR Texas Awards Luncheon Meeting, tickets at TexasREALTORS.org
2-12-11, 1:45-3:00 pm- The Marathon of Change, Free Education Session, hosted by WCR Texas Chapter
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