Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mid-year reflections from

2015 President Christina Daw

"It's not enough to be busy, so are the ants.
The question is-what are we busy about?"
- Henry David Thoreau

 WCR Fort Bend has been very busy in the 2nd quarter of 2015, beginning on  April 7th with the District C meeting hosted at Gallery Furniture in North Houston. All District C chapters participated in the meeting. I was honored to act as MC, and our two speakers were- Jim McInvale of Gallery Furniture and Sindy Ready, 2015 WCR National President. Gallery Furniture provided lunch and there were a multitude of door prizes compliments of our sponsors.
Two days later, the officers and governing board re-grouped to hold the Fort Bend Chapter's April meeting. Champions Real Estate Instructor, Becky Hill, spoke on "The Power of the Alphabet- the importance of designations in your career".  
There was no meeting in May due to the WCR/NAR Realtor Party Convention held in Washington, DC but the chapter did have time for a little fun on May 6th, 2015 for our first annual WCR Margarita Trolley Tour. The Sugar Land Trolley's carried approximately 75 realtor members, guests and affiliates to two local Mexican restaurants for appetizers and refreshments on a sun-filled afternoon. Fun was had by all! On May 12th, Angela Johnson, (President Elect) and Wendy Mottern (VP of Membership) flew to Washington, DC for the Realtor Party Convention. Those 5 days were filled from the time we opened our eyes until we couldn't stay awake any longer!
We went to 2 Hill Visits to hear our congressmen and state representatives share behind the scene politics that will change/improve Real Estate in Texas and Wendy and Itook a PMN class (Performance Management Networking Designation) called The Business of Your Business. We attended seminars on utilizing social media in your business; video marketing techniques; chapter management, effective networking and other topics, as well as  attended a Region 10 meeting.
There was a WCR mixer where we met chapter leaders from all 50 states and a meeting where the 2016 National Officer candidates were announced and awards were handed out. That particular meeting was very rewarding for the Fort Bend Chapter! Jo Ann Stevens is the slated candidate for 2016 National Recording Secretary and our chapter received the 3rd place award for Recruitment in Large Chapters.
During the first week of June, 2015 Secretary-Julia Hardy of Starkey Mortgage, taught our 2nd MCE class of the year. The class was held at the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and the topic was "Exploring the New Settlement Statement".  On June 11th the chapter met at Sweetwater Country Club and our speaker was Melvin Celeste, the owner of Tuff Aware Self Defense. Melvin captured our interest with his observations and tips on being aware of your surroundings and not taking safety for granted. Throughout all of the meetings (National, District and local), education opportunities, and travel there is much behind the scenes planning and preparation taking place for the Great Gatsby Celebrity Waiter Dinner and Auction to be held September 17, 2015 at Quail Valley City Centre. Anyone interested in attending, sponsoring or volunteering can contact Lane Pearson, OR Aimee Montgomery,

It is my great pleasure to continue serving as 2015 President of the Fort Bend Chapter. I have high hopes and expectations for the third quarter as we nominate and vote for 2016 officers, enjoy our last 5 O'clock Somewhere, host our Great Gatsby Celebrity Waiter Dinner and Auction and have exciting meetings with knowledgeable speakers.
Christina Daw

Sunday, March 29, 2015

WCR Fort Bend 2015 1st quarter Newsletter

If we all did the things we are capable of,  
we would astound ourselves. ~Thomas Edison

WCR Fort Bend hit the ground running in this first quarter of 2015! January 8, 2015 was the years' first Business Resource Meeting, held at Sweetwater Country Club. The Broker/Manager panel discussed "Dealing with Conflict". Over 100 Realtors, Affiliates and Guests attended to hear Wayne Murray-Weichert Properties, Nikki Owen-BHGRE Gary Greene and Nimesh Patel- Remax Fine Properties share their strategies on handling conflict between all parties involved in a transaction. Great insight was acquired and most left with a more practical and patient approach to handling conflict in business.
 Just 2 weeks later, on January 22nd the first 2015 5 O'clock Somewhere was held at the  J. Patrick model home in Aliana. In spite of 28 degree rainy weather, over 25 members and guests attended! Fun was had by all, as you can see in the photo to the left. Three devoted affiliates-Tim O'Neil, Julia Hardy and Dana Loper, are very happy to be part of WCR Fort Bend!
On February 5th-7th, President-Christina Daw, President Elect- Angela Johnson and Vice President of Membership-Wendy Mottern attended the WCR/TAR Winter Meeting in Austin, TX. In addition to attending classes on exciting new ways to re-charge the chapter membership, they had the opportunity to support TREPAC at the WCR Texas State Celebrity Waiter dinner, along with WCR National Recording Secretary, Jo Ann Stevens. Yes, Jo Ann's hair was pink that night! The dinner was a 50's themed/Grease dinner and over $17,000 was raised to support TREPAC!     
February 12, 2015 Fort Bend Chapter's Business Resource Luncheon topic was "Meth, Mold and Marijuana- What they mean for your transaction". Guest speakers were 2 Fort Bend County undercover narcotics officers, who must remain anonymous; Jon Shepherd- Southern Global Environmental and Vaughan Pederson- Clean Aire. Over 120 guests attended to hear about the dangers of meth houses, marijuana grow houses, mold and asbestos, as well as how to find helpful resources for your clients to handle these dangers. Things were shaken up a little bit by a networking event! Each person chose a "fun sized" candy that coordinated with a table that they were to sit! It was evident that it was a realtor event since most were hoping for the Payday and $100 Grand candy bars!

March 12th was another cold and rainy day, in the middle of Spring Break and HLSR, but on that morning at River Bend Country Club 60 people braved the nasty weather to hear a Women's Shelter testimony on "Overcoming Obstacles". Many were touched to hear of a young woman's obstacle filled journey which has led her to growth, education opportunities and new-found self confidence. Many were touched, a few were brought to tears, but we all left feeling empowered, enlightened and very blessed. There was a linen drive held that day benefitting the Fort Bend Women's Shelter. Two car loads of  new linens, pillows and towels were collected!
March 26th was the busiest day of Fort Bend Chapter's first quarter! A Free MCE class was held at Prosperity Bank (1:00 pm-4:00 pm). Instructor, Julia Hardy taught "Selling and Financing New Construction". Immediately following we packed a full house at Lasagna House for the 2nd 2015
 5 O'clock Somewhere! Several new members joined that day!

At this time, our chapter is in 2nd place for the WCR National Recruitment and Retention Contest in the large chapter category! The membership drive ends on March 31st so I will share the results as soon as I know! Our VP of Membership, Wendy Mottern and Membership Chairperson, Suzanne Slavin are hard at work trying to find new realtor members so Fort Bend can shine!

It has been my pleasure to serve as your President in the first quarter of 2015 and I look forward to the remainder of the year! This is such a valuable organization, worth your time and efforts! I have learned so much during my time as an officer---about leadership, communication and business practices, and I want the same for each of you! I encourage you to consider being more involved!
We have an exciting year planned for you!
Christina Daw, 2015 Fort Bend Chapter President