Thursday, June 23, 2011

WCR Fort Bend June Meeting

June 9, 2011 Women’s Council of Realtors Fort Bend Chapter Business Resource Luncheon

Being a business resource for Realtors, our lunch was a perfect “lunch and learn” experience. We know we are in a changing market and our guest speaker
Rita Santamaria, owner of Champions School of Real Estate offered us a glimpse of the past and a peak at the future. Future buying directives that is!

Ms. Santamaria shared insight on how Neo-Traditionals and Boomers are changing our market. The Neo-Traditionals are the buyers of today. More than any generation these Neo-Traditionals are predominately boomers.
 Some of their buying habits include-

*looking for things they connect with on a personal level
*cultural opportunities, “what’s in the neighborhood”?
*Uniqueness to a home or the neighborhood
*planned communities and amenity filled properties

She suggested our marketing and listing strategies include the “experience of living” in that particular community and incorporate the planned community amenities that appeal to the multi-generational.

A big thanks to our strategic partners-Perry Homes, The Arrangement & Wells Fargo.

Everyone still needs to “ Think Pink”. Flocking is a popular and FUNraising event!! Contact Sallie Wheeler, the Mother Flocker,  @ 832-236-5581 to flock a friend or client today.

Mark your calendars for our July 14th luncheon being held @ Sugar Land’s POST OAK GRILL (1550 Lake Point Parkway). Bring school supplies for the donated backpacks benefiting Fort Bends Women’s shelter. BRING A FRIEND!!

Article by Janice Scanlan in the "Fort Bend Independent"

Musings: Getting flocked
“Someone put a bunch of plastic birds in our yard” a puzzled John Scanlan stated as he came in from getting the mail. I replied from the other room, “Oh, we’ve been flocked.”
“We’ve been what?” he asked. I enunciated more carefully the second time, “Flocked, and it’s all for charity.”
Getting flocked is a very clever fund raiser sponsored by the Women’s Council of Realtors®. It benefits the Fort Bend County Women’s Center. Since April, ten flocks of flamingoes have been “flying” from yard to yard in Fort Bend every few days. And what fun it is. My neighbor, Mike Pace, even offered me a picture of our yard flock he had taken.
Really I hated to see the birds leave. Maybe it’s because I have tacky taste, or some might say funky, but the flock gave me a nice smile every time I saw it. Dave Adam told me, “It’s moved over on El Dorado.” Getting flocked does take on a life of its own.
So with my hard hitting journalism, I had to ask the burning question of Sallie Wheeler, who is the chair or “Mother Flocker”, “What’s it’s like to be a “Mother Flocker?” She laughed, “It’s a lot of fun, and it benefits a really great cause in the Fort Bend Women’s Center. They are so great, and it helps so many victims, both women and children of domestic abuse, get their lives back on track.”
Now, flocking is no small operation . . . it takes two or three “sister flockers” to keep each flock in flight . . . but it’s simple for the family that gets flocked. You merely “pass the flock” onto another family who hopefully finds it as much fun as you did. Of course, you add a donation—this does raise money for charity. There is also “flocking insurance” to not be flocked again. But as Tita Horrell told me regarding her involvement, “It’s fun. It’s a great way to raise money and not be offensive. If someone doesn’t want to participate . . . all they have to say is, ‘get the flock out.’ We’ve only had a couple of people who have not seen the humor or the benefit to charity. So we moved the birds.”
Now, these ladies go to great lengths to make this a surprise—just like it was for us. They, in fact, try to find a time when no one is home. To fill one birthday order, Sallie was to come at night while the couple went out to dinner, but when she first arrived, children were playing in the yard. So she returned later and not seeing anyone, she was flocking away, when she heard a small voice, “What are you doing to my yard?” The family’s ten year old boy had to be reassured by his babysitting Grandmother, “It’s okay.”
I visited with 2011 President of the Fort Bend Women Council of Realtors® Lane Pearson who said, “Getting younger realtors® involved meant doing some fun things that benefit the community.” She pegged that right in fun and benefits the Women’s Center provides Fort Bend. The stats are staggering: one out of every three women experience violence at the hands of an intimate partner. A child’s exposure to domestic violence is the strongest risk factor for transmitting the behavior to the next generation. The good news: the Fort Bend Women’s Center has helped 89% of its clients remain violence-free and independent.
If you would like to surprise and honor a friend, contact Sallie Wheeler at 832 236-5581 or email She’ll get your neighborhood flockers on it!
Write to

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WCR Fort Bend May Meeting

May 2011

Fort Bend Women’s Council Of Realtors Resource Luncheon
Our May meeting was opened with a Mother’s Day message by our very first WCR President-Arlene Roslen. She paved the way for us 25 years ago!

Remember when you “heard it thru the grapevine”??? Well now you’re hearing it
thru social media connections like Twitter!! We’re told that if we want to keep up,
we better pick up our feet and learn to “TWEET”!

Our guest speaker at this month’s Fort Bend Women’s Council of Realtors luncheon was Desiree Savory, computer coach with Houston Association of Realtors.

She is a social media guru and teaches and speaks on the subject. “Twitter” can benefit realtors in many ways. Just add a current listing to your twitter account and it will be posted to ALL twitter users! Did you know that you don’t have to have open a twitter account to participate in tweeting?? Texting is the most common way to tweet. But why not open a twitter account? It’s FREE!!! Just go to You can make your conversations personal or public by using symbols.

HAR offers social networking classes. It looks like many of us southern ladies will actually need a few classes on being more social!!

Our generous strategic partner this month was ALIANA-Thank you!!

We are continuing to have fun with the FUNd raisers-flocking & 50/50!
Really…we all know someone deserving of pink flamingos in their yard! Call the Mother Flocker, Sallie Wheeler, at 832-236-5581) and we’ll get the “flock” over there right away!!!!