Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WCR Fort Bend May Meeting

May 2011

Fort Bend Women’s Council Of Realtors Resource Luncheon
Our May meeting was opened with a Mother’s Day message by our very first WCR President-Arlene Roslen. She paved the way for us 25 years ago!

Remember when you “heard it thru the grapevine”??? Well now you’re hearing it
thru social media connections like Twitter!! We’re told that if we want to keep up,
we better pick up our feet and learn to “TWEET”!

Our guest speaker at this month’s Fort Bend Women’s Council of Realtors luncheon was Desiree Savory, computer coach with Houston Association of Realtors.

She is a social media guru and teaches and speaks on the subject. “Twitter” can benefit realtors in many ways. Just add a current listing to your twitter account and it will be posted to ALL twitter users! Did you know that you don’t have to have open a twitter account to participate in tweeting?? Texting is the most common way to tweet. But why not open a twitter account? It’s FREE!!! Just go to You can make your conversations personal or public by using symbols.

HAR offers social networking classes. It looks like many of us southern ladies will actually need a few classes on being more social!!

Our generous strategic partner this month was ALIANA-Thank you!!

We are continuing to have fun with the FUNd raisers-flocking & 50/50!
Really…we all know someone deserving of pink flamingos in their yard! Call the Mother Flocker, Sallie Wheeler, at 832-236-5581) and we’ll get the “flock” over there right away!!!!

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