Sunday, December 30, 2012

Message from the President

 President’s Farewell

I am so pleased to have had the opportunity to serve as President of the Fort Bend Chapter this year.  My journey began as the Membership Chair for Lane Pearson when she was our Vice President of Membership back in 2009.  Serving as an officer for the Women’s Council of Realtors provides opportunities to travel to local, state and national meetings.  During these meetings I have been able to meet wonderful Realtors from all over the nation.  We have heard amazing nationally renowned speakers and attended classes that have helped me become a more effective leader and business woman.  In addition, I have gained many lifelong friends.  Sharing a room with two or three other women is a recipe for fun.
Planning agendas for board meetings, monthly Business Resource Meetings, overseeing fundraisers and keeping up with the Annual Business Plan requires the assistance of many people.  We are fortunate in Fort Bend to have a very devoted group of Precious Past Presidents and members, both Realtor and Affiliates, who value this organization and are willing to step in and help when help is needed.  I will refrain from listing all of your names because I am sure to overlook someone.  Please know that I am aware that without your support and advice, I could not have gotten through this year.  I look forward to taking on a similar role of support for our new board members and future boards.  See you all in January!

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