Sunday, December 30, 2012

WCR Fort Bend October meeting

October Meeting

Our October meeting was full of excitement.  Marilyn Maxwell from HAR spoke on some of the free HAR Tools that are available to members.  I hope you were all paying attention and actually implemented some of her suggestions.  I took a few moments to go to the site and “plug in” on the Social Networking options.  Now when I have a new listing or activity of any kind, a notice automatically goes out to Linked In, Facebook and Twitter. 
The big excitement began with the culmination of our Benches and Barstools fundraiser.  Vaughan Pederson did an amazing job as Auctioneer.  We had five items to sell.  One of them was the precious barstool that the children from the Women’s Center painted.  We did a “Paddles Up” auction and collected over $500 that was sent to the center along with the stool for them to enjoy.  We collected close to $2700 for the fundraiser.  A big thanks to Kim Shaw and her boyfriend James who helped assemble the benches earlier in the year, to Lowes in Missouri City for underwriting a portion of the lumber, to the many artists who contributed their talents, to so many members who stepped in to help, to Bette Lemon of ReMax Southwest who let us borrow the truck once again, and to Sharon Peterson with Charter Title who secured spots in Town Center for display of the items, and who enlisted her hubby Larry’s help with hauling items back and forth.  Finally, thanks again to member Nikki Owen for allowing me to stage the pieces in our office.

 Chris Lesak does such a great job working with our strategic partners.

Our business luncheons allow us to network together.

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